Imi Knoebel

1940 born Dessau, Germany
Lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany

(*1940 in Dessau, Ger­many) stud­ied from 1962 – 64 at the Werkkun­stschule (School for Applied Arts) in Darm­stadt and moved in 1964, fas­ci­nated by the teach­ing style and per­son­al­ity of Joseph Beuys, to the Kun­stakademie (Art Acad­emy) in Düs­sel­dorf. Knoebel, how­ever, dis­tanced him­self from the other Beuys stu­dents and devel­oped his own, min­i­mal­ist style, influ­enced by its great fore­run­ner Casimir Male­vich. Fol­low­ing puris­tic line draw­ings, light pro­jec­tions and white paint­ings (1972 – 75) Knoebel turned to colour for the first time in 1974. Knoebel lives and works in Düsseldorf.