Boris Rebetez

1970 born Lajoux, Switzerland
Lives and works in Basel, Switzerland

Boris Rebetez (*1970 Lajoux, Switzer­land) works with dif­fer­ent Media. The artist’s main inter­est lies in the var­i­ous con­cepts of space, which becomes obvi­ous when ana­lyz­ing his eclec­tic work con­tain­ing draw­ings, col­lages, sculp­tures, instal­la­tions and pho­tog­ra­phy. Space there­fore is not only addressed in terms of spa­tial sur­round­ing, but also as a the­o­ret­i­cal and his­tor­i­cal entity. Fur­ther, Boris Rebetez under­stands space as to be expe­ri­enced sub­jec­tively and to be cre­ated mentally.