Terry Haggerty at the Openlucht Museum De Lakenhal
To celebrate 100 years of ‘de stijl’ Terry Haggerty is now on display at the Openlucht Museum De Lakenhal in Leiden, Netherlands.
Museum De Lakenhal takes stock of Theo van Doesburg’s philosophy 100 years after the foundation of De Stijl. ‘Open Air Museum De Lakenhal: 100 Years After De Stijl’ shows us how contemporary artists give meaning to the abstract art. Twenty international artists have created large, monumental ‘Wall Paintings’ on the Pieterskerkhof in Leiden.
In 2017, Leiden celebrates the centennial of Theo van Doesburg creating ‘De Stijl’ in Leiden. What started as a magazine’s title has eventually become the icon of modernity worldwide. This Dutch art movement has shaken the international art world to its core.
In 1917, Theo van Doesburg collected a group of like-minded artists around him, among which Piet Mondriaan, Bart van der Leck and J.J.P. Oud. Together, they have published the magazine De Stijl and designed from a profound innovativeness. To this day, the influence of De Stijl can be seen in many ways within the idiom of artists, architects and designers, but also on a substantial level the quest for a universal language is still a topical issue.
The twenty international artists that participate in Open Air Museum De Lakenhal are all part of artists’ initiative IS-Projects, founded by guest-curators Iemke van Dijk and Guido Winkler. Fully compatible with the De Stijl-philosophy, the collective comprises a network of artists that avoids any reference to the visual reality. All artists, including Terry Haggerty, Brent Hallard, Gilbert Hsiao, Linda Arts and Jan van der Ploeg, have created their ‘Wall Paintings’ especially for De Lakenhal Open Air Museum.
The exhibition runs until August 27, 2017.