Karim Noureldin

Mar 5 — May 14, 2011
von Bartha, Basel

Spa­tial con­di­tions were already reflected in Karim Noureldin’s early works on paper. He has not only explored the genre of its inher­ent pos­si­bil­i­ties, he also sounded out the tem­po­rary changes of space – be it an imag­i­nary one in a draw­ing or a real one on a mural in a room. It all started with small-scale draw­ings spec­i­fied by a cen­trally per­spec­tive space with stere­o­met­ric fig­ures. The artist cov­ered entire walls and rooms with them and almost entirely papered them. These draw­ings, used for an instal­la­tion, make the step from a sheet of paper to three-dimensional space appear log­i­cal. Noureldin cul­ti­vates a dynamic-constructive imagery but enriches it – and this is sig­nif­i­cant – with spa­tial com­po­nents that push the lim­its of draw­ing and painting.