Daniel Robert Hunziker

1965 born Walenstadt, Switzerland
Lives and works in Zürich, Switzerland

1965 born in Walen­stadt. Argov­ian artist Daniel Robert Hun­ziker (CH) has a spe­cial rela­tion­ship to space, and space-relevant archi­tec­tural prac­tices are an inte­gral part of his work. He inte­grates archi­tec­ture into his work, which in turn incor­po­rates the work within a spe­cific loca­tion. Hun­ziker uses spa­tial stag­ings and con­struc­tions to make vis­i­ble frac­tions of real­ity and project them out­wards. His choice of mate­ri­als is never ran­dom, nor the way in which he assem­bles them. Mix­ing nature and tech­ni­cal know-how, his works are not on a stan­dard scale; in fact they often manip­u­late dif­fer­ent scales and com­bine mod­els with life-size struc­tures, thereby allow­ing the viewer to take a fresh new look at his own per­cep­tion of space and at the norms soci­ety imposes upon him. Daniel Robert Hun­ziker plays with space when he presents these mon­u­men­tal rotat­ing geo­desic forms, whose con­fig­u­ra­tions rede­fine their environment. An encounter between the infi­nitely large and the infin­i­tes­i­mal, so to speak.