Beat Zoderer

1955 born Zürich, Switzerland
Lives and works in Zürich, Switzerland

(* 1955 in Zurich) com­pleted an appren­tice­ship as an archi­tec­tural drafts­man and worked in archi­tec­tural offices from 1971–78. Since 1979 he works as an inde­pen­dent artist. Two stu­dio stipends of the city of Zurich for Genoa in 1986 and New York in 1988 were fol­lowed by fur­ther grants from the city of Zurich. In 1995 he was awarded the Manor Art Prize and in 1998 he received an award from the Max Bill / Georges Van­tonger­loo Foun­da­tion, Zumikon/Zurich. His instal­la­tions, sculp­tures, assem­blages and col­lages are con­structed in ever new shapes, colours and mate­ri­als. Zoderer thus moves towards a con­crete and con­struc­tive posi­tion in art.