Aurélie Nemours

1910 born Paris, France

(* 1910 in Paris; † 2005 in Paris) stud­ied art his­tory at the École du Lou­vre. She soon turned away, how­ever, from the­o­ret­i­cal stud­ies in order to devote her­self to paint­ing. In 1937 she joined the stu­dio of the com­mer­cial artist Paul Colin. Stud­ies at the acad­emy of André Lhote and in the stu­dio of Fer­nand Léger fol­lowed. Nemours made pri­mar­ily geo­met­ric abstract paint­ings in the con­trast­ing colours of black and white. Although Nemours must be counted among the group of geo­met­ric abstract painters her work dif­fers from that of a Max Bill or a Richard Paul Lohse. Nemours’s work is not deter­mined by math­e­mat­i­cal cal­cu­la­tion but rather by a kind of geo­met­ric intuition.
