Anna Dickinson

1961 born London, England
Lives and works in London, England

Anna Dick­in­son is con­stantly exper­i­ment­ing; she pos­sesses a curios­ity which, asso­ci­ated with her hard-working, per­fec­tion­ist tem­pera­ment, pre­serves her from all super­fi­cial­ity. Dick­in­son has cho­sen the con­tainer because of her con­vic­tion and pas­sion, a form she under­stands and mas­ters fully. Far from evok­ing a use­ful object, her pieces put us in mind of sculp­tures, which for their rel­a­tively small size are mon­u­men­tal. She shifts from mono­chrome blown-glass pieces to cast and cut objects. The glass is often com­bined with metal which brings together two kinds of lus­tre. The sur­face of the glass is patiently ground and pol­ished to per­fec­tion. The nature of her inspi­ra­tion has evolved from exotic tex­tures and colours to her imme­di­ate daily envi­ron­ment. The rigour and taste that Anna Dick­in­son has cul­ti­vated, together with the excep­tional sense of sub­tle tonal­i­ties, lend her objects a mys­te­ri­ous, med­i­ta­tive quality.